Manufacturing is an important pillar for Europe, since it affects significantly on economy, occupation welfare and environment. It consumes about the 30% of the total energy produced, uses as input critical raw materials and is responsible for environmental emissions. Thus, the adoption of green practices in manufacturing is a top-priority of several European Regions.
However, even if Europe is a global leader in green manufacturing research, its innovation capacity should be strongly improved. The availability of a European network of pilot plants accessible to SMEs could significantly contribute to this goal.
Budget: € 2.050.000
Start Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2017
End Date: Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Duration (months): 30
Participating Regions: Auvergne-Rhône-Alphes | Cataluña | Continentalna Hrvatska | Emilia-Romagna | Lazio | Lombardia | Marche | Oberbayern | Central Makedonia | Saxony | Veneto | Western Slovenija | Eastern Slovenija
Topic: Interregional Cooperation between Institutions, Clusters and Research Centers for the Creation and Implementation of Pilot Actions in Green Manufacturing Technologies to Facilitate Manufacturing Innovation in the Mediterranean
The setup such an interconnected network of pilot plants requires the identification of common challenges and the mobilization of considerable resources. For these reasons, Regions should cooperate to reach this goal under the paradigm of smart specialization.
In the Vanguard-Initiative, a Clusters-governed methodology for the setup of trans-national projects of pilot plants was conceived, but was not tested on a structured basis and on a large scale.
Based on this experience, GREENNOMED aims at testing and transferring this methodology in the MED Regions, considering their peculiarities and their link with other relevant EU manufacturing Regions, in particular with Germany.
GREENNOMED will address business support organizations (Clusters), enterprises, SMEs, research and innovation organizations, Public Regional Authorities, as well as the public.
Greenomed expected results are:
• Structured methodology enabling design and implementation of pilot plants, which is widely adoptable by European Clusters
• New service offerings of Clusters and other intermediaries to
• Running projects of pilot plants boosting green manufacturing innovation in Europe
• Policy and institutional framework supporting the establishment and access to pilot plants for the uptake of green technologies
The final outputs are:
• One Trans-national cooperation methodology
• Four Trans-regional cooperation services offered by Clusters to SMEs
• 100 Enterprises involved in the collaborative design and setup of pilot plants through services offered by Clusters
• 8 Transnational innovation Clusters ready to offer cooperation services