Manufacturing materials - High-tech PCBs
Creation Date: 1972
Via Jesina
60022 Castelfidardo (AN)
Phone: 071 721531
Fax: 071 72153242

For more than forty years SOMACIS has been a dynamic company producing high-tech PCBs and delivering innovative solutions. SOMACIS, headquartered in Italy, is one of the leading PCB manufacturers, with more than 800 employees and production plants in Italy, USA and China. SOMACIS is a worldwide partner supplying HDI, rigid, rigid-flex and flex PCBs for time critical and mass production requirements. Founded in 1972, SOMACIS has remained true to its origins with its headquarters in Castelfidardo, Italy. Whilst maintaining its values and traditions, it is at the same time focused on the market evolution and on its customers, by implementing a strategy of globalization, not only of its main markets but also in its productive capacity. The results of over forty years of continuous technological and productive evolution and an entrepreneurship that not only manages to excel in the highly technological sector of high-mix, low-volume, but that is also invaluable in responding to the demands of our customers for medium and high volume. Understanding that the competitive challenge cannot be won without matching the product to an excellent service with added value, SOMACIS is continuously evolving its offer of an integrated service, including that of a quick turnaround of small and medium size batches.

The health of our planet demands our greatest commitment; reduction in the excessive consumption and waste of our natural resources is mandatory.
This understanding has lead SOMACIS into paying constant attention to our daily behavior and habits. Taking up the global challenge of adopting methods of consumption and production that marry with environmental sustainability has lead us to making new investments which minimize the impact we have on the environment. By improving our energy efficiency, implementing an accurate waste management and recovery system, introducing a correct programme of storage and handling of dangerous substances, we have made a commitment to improving our environment and health and safety in the work place.